Tuesday, October 5, 2010

CB and NB. I am not a francophile by any means.

CB talks about Bourriad and his relationship to relational aesthetics. She references the two prime examples that Bourriad references to be examples of that specific type of work. Tiravanija and Gillick being the two artists referenced. She claims later on in the reading that there are two other artists that better serve as a prime example of the movement. Those two artists being Laclau and Moffe. She claims that these two artists are a better reference of art that is not unclear and undefined. She also claims that Bourriad "ignored" these artists. It almost seems as though she was offended by the fact that he had done so. The artists Santiago sierra is also referenced towards the end of the writing. CB claims that this artist is a direct reference to much of the conceptual and minimal art that occured throughout the seventies. Marina Abromovic and Chris Burden are used as reference tools to give a clear non visual portrayal of her work.

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